2017 - Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie (DreamWorks Animation's first film scored by Theodore Shapiro who replaced John Debney that he was too old to do it and left the project to do Ice Age: Collision Course instead)
2018 - TETOCU Season 1
2019 - TETOCU Season 2 and 3, The Heartbreaking Havoc of the Haunted Hack-A-Ween
2020 - The Interactive Insanity of the Irritating Interlopers, TETOCUIS, Captain Underpants Mega Blissmas
2021 - TETOCU Seasons 4 and 5
2022 - TETOCU Season 6
2023 - The Summer Road Trip Tale of Captain Underpants: The Movie (a theatrical film taking place after TETOCU distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures (in North America) and STX Entertainment (in international countries))