The Curse of Wedgie Magee (A True Story) is a comic created by George and Harold to frighten Kipper Krupp and his goons in Captain Underpants and the Terrifying Re-Turn of Tippy Tinkletrousers. It is also Tree House Comix Inc.'s second comic production, following The Advenchers of Dog Man.
The comic is about a boy called Wedgie Magee, who is constantly teased until he can bear it no longer. He visits a fortune teller, who tells him that she will create an elixir that will prevent him from getting wedgies. The fortune teller is short-sighted, however, and grabs an evil elixir which Wedgie smears onto his trousers. In the playground, when the bullies approach Wedgie, his trousers turn into a ghost. Nobody is scared, however, and Wedgie dies of embarrasment. That evening, the haunted trousers seek revenge and swallow up the bullies. The symptoms of the curse are:
- The victim wants to play with dolls and bracelets.
- Their armpits begin to burn.
- Their food tastes really hot.
- Ectoplasm and spiders appear on their possessions
To undo the curse, the victim must not pick on anyone again for the rest of their lives.
- In the full color version, the word "voodoo" is replaced with "evil".